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Instructions for Submitting Manuscripts

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Thank you for your interest in publishing in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding (IJPC). We have outlined author instructions below but invite you to contact us at any point in the writing process if you have additional questions. Please email .

IJPC is indexed in Medline/PubMed, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) Print Index and Database, Chemical Abstracts Service, and Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, including Compendex, EMBASE, EMNursing, GEOBASE, Mosby Yearbooks, Scopus, and other specialized niche databases and derivative products.

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts on any topic related to compounding in pharmacy for publication in IJPC. Examples of such topics include but are not limited to:

Accreditation/CertificationHormone Replacement Therapy
Book/Literature ReviewsImmune Diseases
Cancer Marketing
Case Reports/Case StudiesMentoring
Clinical CompoundingNonsterile/Sterile Compounding
Compatibility/Stability StudiesOphthalmic
CompliancePain Management
Compounding Techniques and Technology Pediatrics
Dental/Oral HealthPharmaceutical Calculations
DermatologyQuality Control
DiabetesRegulatory/Legal Issues
Drug DisposalSports Medicine
GeriatricsUnique Disease States
High TechnologyVeterinary
Home Health CareWound Care

Information, manuscripts, and letters are reviewed by the editor in chief. Scientific manuscripts related to stability, compatibility, sterility, preservative effectiveness, etc., are peer reviewed.

Where and What to Submit

Manuscripts should be sent electronically to .

The following information for "each" contributing author should be supplied with the manuscript:

  • Names (as it/they should be published)
  • Educational degrees
  • Company affiliations
  • Job titles
  • Complete mailing addresses
  • Area codes and telephone numbers/secondary telephone numbers
  • Area codes and fax numbers
  • E-mail addresses

Any possible conflicts of interest pertaining to the content of the article should be explained in a cover letter. Should the article be published in IJPC, copyright is transferred to IJPC and permission for reprints, including all rights to publish in other publications, must be acquired from IJPC. A letter of permission to reprint is also required for materials that have been adapted from another source. Adapted materials must be accompanied by the credit line “Adapted from....”

Our readers may want to contact an author of a manuscript, therefore, at the end of the manuscript, provide the person to whom correspondence should be addressed, along with their name and address, and their e-mail address if preferred.

How to Format Submissions

All manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word format following the specifications below:

  • 1.5 Line spacing
  • Unjustified right-hand margin
  • 1-inch margins (top, bottom, left, right)
  • Times New Roman in 12 point font
  • Headings bolded with the first letter in each word capitalized
  • All references, tables, and figures cited within the text in numerical order

Nonscientific manuscripts should be divided into sections with relevant subheads, to include an abstract and a conclusion.

Scientific manuscripts should be divided into a title page, an abstract, and text under the following subheads: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References. If applicable, provide any acknowledgment information. Figure and/or table titles and legends should be provided. Provide the name, city, and state of all manufacturers of equipment and drugs mentioned in all manuscripts, as well as the lot numbers of drugs and the model/serial numbers of equipment, etc.


Note: Do not submit references as footnotes or endnotes and do not use automatic numbering. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text and should be listed at the end of the manuscript. Duplicate references must be combined as one reference with the individual page numbers designated. In cases of multiple authors, list only the first three authors and use “et al” to represent any additional coauthors. Only published articles, as well as those pending publication, should be cited as references. The information for unpublished citations should be shown beside the appropriate text. Below are reference examples:

Rose C, Ragan E, Williams JB Jr et al. Bacterial response to antibiotics: An overview of current therapies. N Engl J Med. 1999; 4(Suppl 2): 124-128.

Trissel LA. Trissel's Stability of Compounded Formulations. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2000: 6-10.

Book Chapters
Rose C, Vail J, Williams KB et al. Renal failure: Signs and symptoms. In: Plaat JPS, Abling JE, Bright R, et al, eds. The Principles and Practice of Nephrology. Vol. 2. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: BC Decker, Inc.; 1991: 367-403, 556, 616.

Website Addresses
Authors' names and/or affiliation. Officials to shut pharmacy. [KTVU News Website.] July 6, 2001. Available at: [WEBSITE ADDRESS TO BE CITED HERE.] Accessed [Date information obtained from Website should be shown here (e.g., February 12, 2014)].

Figures, Tables, and Photographs

If a figure is in graphic form or is a photograph, submit the figure as a high-resolution file saved in a MS Word, JPG, PDF, TIFF, or EPS format that can be easily edited. Do not submit the manuscript and/or figures and tables in a “locked” “read only” format, as this only delays the publication process. The e-mail should define clearly that a graphic or photo is attached. The image quality must be at least 300 dots per inch (dpi). Do not submit a low-resolution electronic image, such as a 96-dpi image that has been copied from or sized for a website.

Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance in the text. Each figure should have an appropriate title. Submit explanations of any abbreviations that are used in a figure. Clearly define the x and y axes in the appropriate font, using Title format.

Tables should supplement but not duplicate the text and should be submitted without design. Number tables consecutively with Arabic numbers in order of appearance in the text. An appropriate heading should be indicated. Submit explanations of any abbreviations that are used in a table. Explanatory matter should be designated with lower-case superscripted letters (a, b, c) in the order of appearance in the table. Do not place tables and figures in the body of your article but at the end of the article after the “Address correspondence to” information. Indicate where within the text you prefer to have the table and/or figure inserted by making the notation “Insert Figure # (and/or) Table # here.”

Legends clearly explaining a submitted photograph should be provided, along with the source. Photographs in which an individual can be identified must be accompanied by written permission (a release) from the subject photographed. The release must state that the individual has consented to be photographed, waives the right of approval, and assigns copyright to IJPC.

Revised: Dec 2023